Our Final Inspection judge was this time Walter Lelie -a Belgian top-rider, breeder and horsedealer, who visited Estonia first time. He was pleasantly suprised by the quality of young ESH horses and made very positive comments about the professional freejumping team, which consisted mostly of professional riders. Our studbook has always prioritized the cooperation with our national equestrians and that has lead to this effective cooperation. The results of the 2022 final inspection are perfect example of that – 3 out of 4 classwinners are bred by the at least 140 cm level riders.
This year 35 mares and stallions of age 2 and 3 participated at the final inspections for 2 days. All together 3 class winners are connected to HD Sporthorses – family business of Daisy and Hanno Ellermann, who is a former rider of Team Njihof. They themselves bred the winner of 2-y.o. mares – PANDORA HD (sire Pronto van de Maltahoeve, dam Freida, damsire Eldorado van de Zeshoek). The mareline of her goes way back to russian trakehners – Palmira mare line. Many high level sporthorses decend from this line – for example trakehner stallions Preston and Peron, 145 cm and 160 cm level horses. Also rising star ESH Hudson Hornet (by Dakar TN) bred by family Ellermann and riden by Susan Kaleta until 150 cm level this year.

When Hanno and Daisy returned to Estonia after living 10 years in Netherlands they brought along a mare and a foal. 4 years old mare was by Spartacus and little colt by Eldorado van de Zeshoek – both the stallions that Hanno had been riding and competing with. When the colt named Kasper was 2- and 3 – years old he won the BIS title at Final Inspection in 2017 judged by Nico Schulpen (KWPN) and 2018 judged by Michel Spaas (BEL). Since then he has sired 25 foals and 4 of them participated at the final inspection this year and not only participated but won!
The Best 2 y. o. stallion, Best Jumper and Best In Show was KINGSLEY (sire Kasper, dam Mena Belle N, damsire Messenger), breeder KAIRI DRÄBTSINSKAJA. Kairi is also one of the breeders who her self is a GP level rider. One of her most successful horses was trakehner stallion Peron mentioned before. The Best 3 y. o. mare KATRINA JT was also sired by Kasper (dam Esmerralda, damsire Singapore, breeder SVEN LEEK)

Winner of 3 y. o. stallions UMBERTO (sire Untouchable, dam Veronique, damsire Vagapond De La Pomme) decends from famous Hannoverian mareline Spree, and his second dam and third dam both has produced 160 cm level horses. Mother of Umberto ESH Veronique won the 2-year old mare class at final inspection in 2017, judged by Nico Schulpen (KWPN). Breeder of both mother and son is young rider Anni Kaljund who has also trained Veronique until 140 cm level!