On the photo BIS Chicago Rouge. Judge Bernard Le Courtois donated repro of famous Alme to a breeder of BIS.
The fact that Bernard Le Courtois, the foreign judge of the inspection 2021, made a very positive post about our event on his Facebook wall with about 5,000 followers, thanks to which so many sport horse breeders from all over Europe found out that there is a country like Estonia where three Tokyo olympic horses are bred was the biggest success of the final inspection. Bernard, who has seen and experienced a lot, is an internationally recognized judge from France, owner of Brullemail stud. He is a very successful breeder and discoverer of breeding stallions. Thanks to his extensive experience, he does not only sense horses but also people and therefore recognized the great interest of our breeders in emphasizing the jumping abilities of a sporthorse during the round of questions and answers that took place on Saturday night. Based on this information, he also made his choice of winners on the second day of the finals. It is soothing to recall that our commission of specialists reached a very similar result a year earlier – the best 2-year-old mare in 2020 was the best 3-year-old mare this year and the winner of the 3-year-old stallions was in second place last year.

About Winners
Out of 42 young mares and stallions the Best In Show was selected by Bernard and it was a 3 years old stallion Chicago Rouge (Cahir N (Balou Du Reventon) x Sri Lanka Rouge (Sopranist K)), breeder Liis Ira. Stallion also got Best Jumper and Best 3 years old stallion titles.

On of the best breeders In Estonia unfortunately lately deseaced Peeter Raid had a vision to use Balou du Reventon on a elite mare Thisbe (Beg xx) at 2011. As a result ESHBS licensed stallion Cahir N was born at 2012. That stallion won Estonian Breeding Jumping Championships at age of 5, were sold, came back to Estonia, is jumping now at 1.45 level and has produced many interesting ESH youngsters that have been performing at ESHBS final inspection and this time won the show. Cahin N is kind of a milestone at 20 years of ESH breeding – it shows the quality of a stubook if t can produce its own breeding stallions.

Dam sire of Chicago Rouge – Sopranist K (breeder Mihkel Kangur), was the first ESH that ever made it to the World Breeding Jumping Championship Finals in Lanaken at 2015 with Hanno Ellermann. And was jumping later at 140 cm level with Aleksandr Baraldi.
The Best 3 years old mare and dressage prospect – KARYA, DSP, (KARAJAN, – LORDANOS)

Global genetics
When it comes to breeding in a more global sence, the judge hinted at the seminar that today’s sport horse breeding could be heading towards a disaster – using only the same stallion lines and the same mares also due to veterinary development, as breeding has become more commercial than ever and only certain names “sell”. As a result of such “inbreeding”, the genetic stockpile begins to shrink and, for example, health problems arise. No one yet has a good solution to the problem. More farsighted breeders are looking around the world for new (or very old) blood. For example, Bernard mentioned the stallion Stakkato, whose pedigree includes old Hanoverian lines that have not been used much in SF breeding and is therefore a interest to him. He said in a later conversation that he was hoping to discover something exciting from here and that he might be a little disappointed that the pedigrees of our horses were as “international” as elsewhere in Europe. In the light of this topic, it is interesting to point out that the two winners of two age classes come from our own local damlines – the Tori Iduna family, the Tori Falje family, also trakehner damline Palmira and Ernessa gave II placed horses.
Memorable year 2021 for ESH
Is has been an incredible year – ESH studbook is celebratings its 20 – th anniversary and as an amazing gift the studbook had 3 horses qualified to the TOKYO olympics! Unfortunately EHS Caesar and 20 years old chinese rider You Zhang did not have best of luck with the vet check but ESH Donna Anna and Dina Ellermann were the first Estonian equestrian team ever participating at the olympics – they are 2 times Estonian Champions in dressage. ESH Alfons Ra was the most successful horse under Yuri Mansur of the Brazilian showjumping team.
Alfons himself participated at the young horse inspection finals in Estonia at 2009. From our local judges he got 10 points for the attidude and behaviour!
Look at the LIVE broadcast here:
Take a look at the participants of ESHBS Finals 2021