Young Horse Championships 2018


Event took place at 22- 23 July at Sammuli Stables.

6 years old horses were jumping first day 120 cm and second day 125 cm, jump off  130 cm. Out of 28 participant  the winner was  Paul Argus on Jay-Z Bee (ESH, Johnson x Louise, breeder D.Ellermann), second Rein Pill on Happygirl G (KWPN, Eldorado van de Zeshoek x Crazygirl G, breeder M.G.M. Gerner).and third Paul Argus on Ping Pong V (ESH, Ponsee V x Dalvi, breeder P. Viiard) ,

Ping Pong V and  Paul


Jay Z Bee and Paul


Paul and Jay Z Bee

5 years old horses jumped  first day 110 cm and second day 115 cm and jump off  120 cm.  There was 27 participant, 7 of them made it to the jumpoff. Quickest was In Style N (I’m Special De Muze x Burgloma, breeder P. Nijssen, owner Mihkel Kangur) with Hanno Ellermann, second  Venganza (ESH, V Carlos x Gutta, breeder Talliteenuste OÜ) and Urmas Raag. Third Bonne Amie (ESH, A Big Boy x Lara II, breeder Trooja Hobune OÜ) and Rein Pill.

In Style N and Hanno


Venganza and Urmas Raag
Rein Pill and  Bonne Amie
In Style N and Hanno Ellermann

4 years old jumped first day 90 cm, second day 100 cm and jump off was 105 cm. Out of 30 participants 7 made it to the jump off and the winner was  S’Jasmine Power out of Starpower TN, breeder Aili Ruul and rider Jaagup kallas, second place Kristi Kõiv and Caestello Aragonése (ESH, Colins x Rhea Ger, breeder Kristi Kõiv), and third place Kati Raidma and  Eton (ESH, Enrico x Passadena, breeder Maila Kukk).

Jaagup Kallas and  S’Jasmine Power
Kati Raidma and  Eton
Kristi Kõiv and Castello Aragonése


Jaagup Kallas and S’Jasmine Power
Eton with breeder  Maila Kukk and  rider Kati Raidmaga


Event took place on 28. – 29. July at Perila Stables. Head judge was  FEI 5* australian Maria Schwennesen.

Champions –  ESH horses – 6 years old  – Fürst Roman and 5 years old Jerry Red von Seeder

Best 6 years old horse was   ESH FÜRST ROMAN (FÜRST ROMANCIER/DON WILLIAM) breeder and rider Sirly Tillmann

Fürst Roman

Best 5 years old was ESH JERRY RED VON SEEDER (JOHNSON x MIDT- WEST IBI- LIGHT, breeder SEEDER AGRI OÜ) and rider Dina Ellermann

Jerry Red von Seeder and Dina Ellermann

Best 4 years old horse was FWB CARIAD LAWREN ( DON LARINO x TSAREVITJ ), breeder Kotalan Talli Oy Soome, rider  Maria Kivisoo

All results:

Cariad Lawren and  Maria Kivisoo